Gen 12:7 Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." So he built there an altar to the LORD, who had appeared to him. (ESV)
I think what I will do here is set out a historical time line for some of the key events in "the land" leading up to the present time. Hopefully it will help be refresh my memory on the history. Again, much of it comes from "Who's promised land?" by Colin Chapman p23-36. There is a bit of difference in the accounts I have read of what has happened over the last century or so, at least in the selection and spin given to the events, so I'm not sure I'm going to get a perfect picture but you have to start somewhere so here goes.
I had a go at it but it was far too long to post. About 5 pages. I will try and summarise:
For many centuries Jews trickled aback to the land due to persecution. Some also went to the USA and gain some influence there. In late 1800's the movement Zionism is born which with the aim of securing a homeland for the Jews.
By the early 1900's the Arabs in the land start getting nervous of the increasing Jewish population and their ownership of land. During WWI Britain made conflicting promises to both the Arabs living in the land and the Jews who had been slowly returning to the land.
After the War Britain gets the mandate to set up a homeland for the Jews in the land while not disadvantaging the Arab population. Not an easy task given that the majority of the population is Arab. An Arabs protest is quickly suppressed. The terrible persecution experienced by the Jews in WWII increases their commitment to having their own state. It also makes a morally persuasive case to others of their need of one. After the war Britain hands over the mandate the UN who try to implement a partition plan. Most of the good land is given to the Jews and when in 1948 the state of Israel is declared the surrounding Arab nations attack Israel.

In 1982 Israel invade southern Lebanon to remove the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). The PLO leadership and soldiers leave the area. Israel withdraws but keeps control over a buffer zone in the country. In 1988 the state of Palestine comes into existence lead by Yasser Arafat.
In 1990-1991 Iraq invades Kuwait. When UN deadline expires on 15 Jan 1990 USA drives out Iraq former Kuwait in operation Desert Strom. In 1993 Palestine and Israel recognise each others right to exist. Some land is given over to Palestine but Israel still has most of Gaza strip and West bank. There is an increase of terrorism and both sides accused each other of failing on their promises.
Around 1996-1999 the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, opposes the idea of an independent Palestinian state. More peace talks are held but fail to find a solution.
In 2006 The Palestine's elected Hamas (who doesn't recognise the state of Israel) and are aggressive towards them. Today more than a third of Jews live in the land (most, over 6 million, live in the USA) and it is the source of great international tensions.
There is lots still going on and its rarely out of the news. Most recently its been about Israel blockading the Gaze strip. I can't really see a solution in sight. Both sides seem to have a legitimate claim on the land and more than enough reason to be suspicious of the other. The waters are now so muddied that its hard even to work out what a fair distribution of the land would look like. I know what I have done is probably not even up to GCSE standard history but at least I've increased my knowledge and have a base to build from. At last I can get back to the bible!
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