Sunday 10 January 2010

Base Camp

I've just had a great idea! I am going to read through the bible and blog as I go. Suddenly I feel like an explorer about to climb Mount Everest!

First question is what route should I take? The bible is not put together in the order that the events happened so to make it a bit clearer I think I will try using my "NIV in chronological order". I've never read the bible that way and I like its layout so I think I will give it a go. The first few books are more or less in chronological order anyway, so I can always change later. Incidentally, the order we have in our OT bibles is different to that in Jesus' day. The first 7 books are in the same place but the others have been moved about a bit.  That explains why Jesus says in Matthew 23:35 "from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah". Abel's death is documented in the first book of the bible, Genesis, which is still the first today, but Zechariah's death is found in 2 Chronicles (24:20-22) which in Jesus' day was the last book.

Second question is what supplies should I take with me? Well I have a book case full of commentaries and an entire world wide web full of information on the bible. Two books are perhaps worth a mention at this stage and sit beside me now. One is the excellent "ESV Study bible" and the other is "The bible for dummies". The former is as good as you would expect from the likes of J I Packer and Wayne Grudem who are in the Editorial committee. The latter I have found to be surprisingly good. I knew it would be well laid out and engagingly readable but its content is pretty spot on too. One little bit of info from their bible trivia inserts: Shakespeare, who was an employee of King James turned 46  at the time his version was being written. Now go to Psalm 46 in the KJV, count 46 words from the beginning and then 46 words from the end. You actually get Shakespeare. Sensibly they say it's probably a fluke but you never know!)

Third, good as these are, I also need a knowledgeable companion with me on this journey. I don't think I would go up Everest on my own without an experienced guide so I need the Holy Spirit with me on this expedition. Since He  inspired the bible, working wonderfully through human authors to cause to be written down just exactly what God wanted to be written and so is well equipped to help me through it.

Fourthly I may need a bit of modern technology to help me document my expedition. My arms don't like typing as much as they used to so I'm going to use a speech to text program. I'm telling you that because it tends to make a few odd mistakes that could baffle you if you didn't know.  It spells things right (I'm not using it yet BTW) but can mishear. My favourite mistake was when I got a bit flashy and said 'raison d'être' ('reason for living' in French). My digital assistant  who amazingly seemed to know less French than me, dutifully typed out "raisin deckchair". I want one!

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